Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas at Mom's

A game of Speed...

And a game of spoons...

She's a little bashful

Kirby is Dad's dog. I would say pride and joy, but I'm not ready to let that title go just yet. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Oh, My Grammy...

Part of my favorite thing about going home to Amarillo for the holidays is visiting with my Grandma. Every visit is different with her depending on how she's feeling. Luckily, this time she was feeling GREAT! We got to spend an entire day with her...just the whole family. She had the guys pull chairs into her room so that we were all sitting in a circle in front of her and she "worked" her audience. She told stories about my dad and Uncle James from when they were young and she had all of us in stitches. She told us the story of each of our gifts which were some of her dishes and vintage china. Joel and I received a hand painted tea set from her that she got on her and Granddad's anniversary back in the late 30's. It's beautiful...but the story is what I love even more.

Her mother had given them $10 for their anniversary present. Grandma had been downtown earlier that day and the tea set had caught her eye. It was on sale for $12 but she didn't want to spend that kind of money without talking to Granddad first so she refrained. Later that evening, she and Granddad were going to the movie for their anniversary. They walked past the shop where the tea set was and Grandma pointed it out to him. She told him that her mother had given the $10 to them, and that the set was on sale for $12. He told her that OF COURSE she could have it, but she was worried about where the other $2 was going to come from since they had just been to the movies. When they went inside, the clerk agreed to sell it to them for $10 since it was their anniversary.

Here are the points I get from this story:

1. $10 was a lot of money in the 30's.
2. Grandma felt like she had to check with Granddad before she spent $12. But then again, see item #1.
3. They WALKED to the movies.
4. She kept something that cost $10 for 65+ years.

I love my Grandma. I love what I'm reminded of in this story...that value is not necessarily a number following a dollar sign and that when you are partners with someone, you partner in everything...even in what may appear to be the smallest decisions.

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Lawrence Welk

I have spent the last 21 of 24 hours in bed. I got up twice to eat and once just to go to the bathroom. I can't say that I have the flu...I got the flu shot. I don't know what I've got, but as I crawled back into bed this evening/afternoon and laid my hot, oh so heavy head down all I could think of was Lawrence Welk.

It seems like every time I was at my grandparents house Lawrence Welk was on TV. I have very vivid memories of their place. Red brick house on Royal Road. I always thought that was funny since their last name was King. Get it, Kings living on Royal Rd??? Anyway, it didn't matter what time of day it was, the kitchen smelled of coffee. Grandad always used the old time coffee pot - he didn't buy into the new fangled coffee makers. Most of the time he had Willie Nelson playing on his stereo. He had a great set up...nice recliner just next to all his records and record player so that he didn't have to get up to change them. When Lawrence Welk came on, Grandma would make Grandad put headphones on for his stereo so that she could hear the TV.

I don't really get the association...maybe just feeling puny, rooting around under the covers for a warm place to shake off the shivers, wishing for something to give me a bit of peace...I thought of the things that gave me peace. And I thought of my grandparents.

...or maybe it was the fever.

Friday, November 23, 2007

A Learning Process...

How do we Thanksgive...let me count the ways.

We had our very first Thanksgiving here at 1222 Mooncrest. The whole shabang to be served up for nine. As everybody knows, the hard part is the turkey so we let Richard take that task. And take he did...scrumptious turkey! It's a good thing we did as we discovered on Wednesday that our 40-year-old oven had letter of resignation or two weeks notice. She just up and quit. Special thanks to our friends and neighbors Laura and Red - who saved the day by letting us use their oven. We transported the goods via little red wagon and used our toaster oven for the smaller items and went on about our day. And oh what a day it was.

Well, Ill let photos do the talking...

(The little oven that couldn't)

(Our modern day chuck wagon)

It was so nice to walk through the living room and see my Mama and my Mom-in-luv chatting away, and to watch Jenny and Tara exchange baby knowledge...and catch a glimpse of little Sam and his Dad listening to John Michael play the guitar and to observe the turkey carving lesson going on in the kitchen between Richard and Joel...lots of love and loving moments.

And it was beautiful.

And in reference to the title of this blog...well, the day was a learning process but more specifically, Jenny is helping me learn how to add photos to my blog. I think she taught me well, don't you?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You Could...

You could curse and complain about your feebleness, or you can get busy and make yourself stronger. You could seethe with resentment about the past, or you can make the choice to let go and move forward.
You could worry endlessly about what might or might not happen, or you can take steps to successfully prepare yourself for anything that comes along. You could make a long list of all the things that will perhaps go wrong, or you can accept the fact that there will be obstacles and decide to deal with them as they come.

You could hide away from the world inside the walls of your comfort zone where nothing challenges you. Or you can make use of every second of your precious time to explore and experience, to get cold, wet, and dirty, and to feel wonderfully alive.

You could let the smallest defeat turn into a big, imposing excuse for giving up. Or you can learn from what went wrong and then step enthusiastically forward with your newfound knowledge and determination.

You could smugly blame all your troubles on something or someone other than you. Or you can take a long, deep breath, then take full responsibility, and feel how empowering it is to be in total control.

There are lots of things you could have been, could have done, could have seen, could have known, and could have experienced. Yet nothing compares to the wondrous places you'll go when you do what you know you can.

-- Ralph Marston

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fall is in the Air

We had a cold front come through on Tuesday. I know...cold front means different things in different parts of the world. What exactly would a cold front be in Antarctica? Well, what it means here in little ol' New Braunfels in mid-September is that it's bearable outside in the middle of the afternoon. It means that the seats of your car don't burn the backs of your legs when you leave the office to go home at 5. It means being able to open the windows at night, walking the dog in the evening and pulling out the long sleeves. That was Tuesday. The cold front blew out on Wednesday.

But it was a nice teaser. I love fall. I love breezes and watching the leaves turn and sleeping with the windows open. I love how quiet this town gets during the fall. I love cooking on Sundays in a crock pot or in the oven all day. I love sweatshirts and sunshine at the same time.

It's the season for slowing down, recharging...and I love it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I have had this book for almost 10 years. I just picked it up again. It's daily readings by date. I love it...for so many reasons. Usually I wake up in the mornings, scurry to the shower or gym, rush to work, rush home...but now I'm making time for Simple Abundance again. It just grounds me every day and I love the quiet time. Here's one of my favorite quotes...

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."
-Melody Beattie

Thursday, July 19, 2007

New Post

I keep starting blogs. I get inspired by those that I read and want to enlighten my friends and family the same way others enlighten me. Then I get writers block. Then I procrastinate. Then I think about all the things that have passed since I last wrote (not passed as in "away" but just...passed). I promised you all photos of the wedding, photos of the honeymoon, stories about family and a recap of the cruise. However I have delivered NONE. For that I am sorry. Know this, however...that life has been wonderful and beautiful and full of good - no GREAT - times spent with my new husband, old friends, new friends, old family, new family and, of course, our dog. We've been married in Wimberley, honeymooned in Red River, shopped in Taos and just been being in love in New Braunfels. We visited Utah where we spent three incredible days with Jenny, Joel, Joyce and the newest of the new part of my family -Sam and Amelia. We cruised with CCR to Montego Bay, Grand Caymen and Cozumel (or Cancun...I'm still not clear on where we stopped in Mexico). We've been able to spend lots of time with John Michael and Tara, which has given me the chance to get to know and love them even more. is very very full. And very very good.

Hope yours is the same.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Between the Hours Of...

Dear delivery services and local utility companies (i.e., cable, telephone, electricity, etc.),

Do YOU, customer service representative, have time to sit at home for 5 hours in a day to wait on a service man to a.) deliver something that requires you to work in order to pay for or b.) repair something that is ultimately your company's responsibility but, again, one has to pay for by WORKING. Please tell me, mr. customer service representative, how you categorize your time sheet when you have to request a half day off in order to wait for something that takes 10 minutes to get off of a truck? Would that be personal time? Just curious, rhetorically speaking of course.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Main Entry: bliss
Pronunciation: 'blis
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English blisse, from Old English bliss; akin to Old English blIthe blithe
1 : complete happiness

...more to follow. Just know for now that "Bliss" is where we are.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Thank you Apple. Thank you for the small, portable gadget called the iPod. "Podwina" (my iPod's name - I'm not THAT weird, iTunes makes you name your iPod so it can recognize it when it's plugged in - although I am as fond of my iPod as any pet I've had...previous to Dude, of course)...ANYWHO...Podwina has been my traveling partner in cars and on planes. She (of COURSE any thing this complex and smart is a SHE)has carried stories that make me laugh and movies that make me cry. She has sung me to sleep at night and made sure I woke up in time for the gym in the mornings. She has entertained my friends and when she's shuffling, she reminds me of times that I haven't thought of in years. She knows Willie and Amy Winehouse. She is made up of the best of the 70's and the worst of the 80's. She knows every single - and i mean EVERY single - Lyle Lovett song. She makes me smile. And she will be the DJ at our wedding reception. She is currently carrying the soundtrack of our lives...before we met and since. She carries a big responsibility...but I have no doubt she can handle it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Those of you who know me, know my favorite word is "believe." It started with a necklace that I bought in the bead shop in Stillwater, OK. And I gave a matching one to my friend Shannon...who believes a lot in the same ways that I do. When people would ask me what it meant, I would say "just believe in something...something bigger than yourself." And the longer I have lived, the more I realize that believing in the little things is just as important...because they are constant reminders of what is bigger. They signify the grand plan...the bigger picture...they are road marks for "what is bigger than ourselves."

I found this today. It was in response to the question "what makes you happy..." Please note, I wrote this almost 10 years ago...

"Rain...any hour of any day. Including my wedding day. Hot showers after a long drive. Bare feet. Nick at Night. Puppy breath. Green grass that you can roll around in. Days I get to wear shorts, t-shirts and no make-up. Fresh, clean sheets on the bed. Night breezes in the hot summer. Snow angels. Finding one more roll of toilet paper. Pens that write good. Ice Cream. Laughing. Laughing with my best friends. Laughing at my best friends. Free anything (except advice). Road trips with buddies. Road trips by myself. Lakes, rivers and oceans. Rollercoasters. Sunshine. Kids, dogs and horses. Putting something I've been dreading behind me. Flying by the seat of my pants. Turtles. NOT flying by the seat of my pants. Mowing my yard because its MY YARD. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Hope. Friends coming to visit. Scooby Doo. When patience pays off (because I rarely have any). Free Bird's burritos. Cooking for family and friends. Knowing what makes me happy."

Not one of these things has changed. But there are so many more things to add to the list. Family. Finding strength in family. Faith that we gain strength from hard times. Hope for the future and what it holds for all of us.

This life moves fast (I think I just quoted Ferris Beuller). There are so many things going on in it right now...yours and mine and his and hers. BELIEVE that it is beautiful. Believe that it takes perseverance to find the beauty. Believe that we all have it in ourselves to persevere. Believe that our friends and family will help us find it in ourselves if we let them.

Believe that Love is the greatest...and don't ever forget about Hope and Faith.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Bridal Extravaganza...

According to my calendar, there are 67 days until the big day. Six of those days will be spent in Nashville, three in Las Vegas, one in the dentist office, four on the road and one at the doctor's office. That's 15 days out that I know of...that leaves 52. Wow.

But then I think about all that has happened in the past few days to get things accomplished.

Sunday was awesome. It was a beautiful day here...sun shining, perfect breeze coming in the windows...I started it off with some old Willie and Stones on vinyl, a cup of coffee and the paper. (Most of you know the paper is a little out of character for me...and so is the coffee unless someone else makes it, but I was looking for something in particular in the paper and I bought the coffee when I made the paper run.) Mom came down for lunch and a visit and a trip to the Bridal Extravaganza (actually called the Bridal Spectacular, but we prefer "extravaganza"). We picked up a lot of tips, brochures and business cards...and we giggled a lot. Laura and I and made a trip to Wimberley for a visit to the Red Corral Ranch and to the Schoepf Headquarters and we wrapped up the day with a great dinner at the steakhouse at the junction. I couldn't have asked for anything more - except for Joel to have been here. (Wheweeeee, I'm missing him so much this time around).

Back to the original point...out of the past two days we have confirmed a photographer and a home for the Kings for the wedding weekend, made a decision about the cakes and the cake stands, established somewhat of a timeline for the day and confirmed that the facility has high speed internet (step one for a special surprise for some special loved ones). We have lodging at the lodge figured out and a print shop confirmed for invitations! I know that doesn't sound like a lot...but it sure feels like a lot.

Life is good...I hope yours is, too.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fat Tuesday

I'm extrememly perplexed at the reaction to the climbers that had to be rescued in Oregon. Of course it could be the twist of the media, but all I hear is how stupid they were and how they should have to pay for what the rescue cost taxpayers and how they should be brought up on animal cruelty charges for taking Velvet (the dog that "saved" them) up on the mountain. And that they must be horrible teachers.

?????????? WHAT???????

Here's my take. From what the rescuers had to say, they were very responsible climbers. They made one navigtational error and could not recover due to the weather conditions. They used all of the appropriate measures to protect themselves AND THEIR DOG from the elements. They carried equipment designed to help them be rescued and used it. People make navigational errors on our highways all the time that cause harm to themselves and countless others. People fall off of ladders, fall out of trees, swim too long and get tired...we all make mistakes or have accidents. Those errors result in the mobilization of paramedics, ambulances, police officers and sometimes volunteers to "rescue" them. In effect, we are all paying for each others "navigational errors" with our tax dollars. Give 'em a break.

In regard to Velvet (the dog)...there is no place a companion animal would rather be than with their "companion." Dogs have survived for YEARS in the cold...hello??? Dogsledding? Would the naysayers have rather the dog been tied to a tree while her humans were climbing? Even I can say it (just don't tell Dude)...she's a DOG. And she's fine. And she's far better off with people who let her be a dog than those who keep their animals in small purses or locked in a crate.

And, finally, what does their profession have to do with this experience on the mountain? People are saying that they aren't qualified to be teachers because of their lack of common sense. I believe it was their common sense that saved them. I believe I would rather be taught by, and have my children taught by, people who do rather than say. I believe the same people who are saying the climbers aren't smart enough to teach are the same people who are too lazy to be good teachers themselves, let alone climb a mountain.

And now...I will hop off this soapbox...and go take my dog to the river.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Can You Believe...

...It's been 23 years since I first stepped foot in Jo Baker's Barn, Thanks to you, Shelley?
...I've been friends with Shelley (Swelley, Smelley, Shell, Sisterly) Rogers - Gross for 25 years? TWENTY FIVE YEARS. That's as long as a lot of my friends are old?
...We made it to McDonald's and back on our futurity colts riding along IH-27?
...We never went to jail (although you got close with all your driving malodies)?
...We used to think that Tony Warren was hot?
...We didn't get caught sneaking cigarettes in Jo's trailer on the way to the state 4-H horse show?
...We could sing "Sisterly" for hours upon hours and it never sounded the same?
...I compared us to Thoroughbreds and Shetlands?
...although we didn't get caught on the Waterslide, I had to somehow explain how I lost three layers of skin from my arm from the last time our parents saw us...which was supposedly going to bed?
...Missy McCarley broke her back on a trampoline?
...we snuck out of our dorms at State Round-up EVERY YEAR and we THOUGHT no one knew?
...we used to eat the 2-4-6-8 special at DerWienerschnitzel?
...Squeezie Buns?

Can you believe that nothing has or will ever change about how well we know each other and love each other?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

What not to wear...

In a steadfast attempt to NOT watch the SuperBowl today (yeah, I know, I'll miss out on all the water cooler chat at the office tomorrow) I have had the channel on TLC. It's been a "What Not to Wear" marathon. And I have to say...whatev. I know I'm not so stylish...but look where I live. If I wore what they recommended for "casual day wear" casually during the day around here I would have been tossed out of town a long time ago. This is New Braunfels. We go barefooted into the convenience stores, we wear our dad's cutoff jeans when we go shopping and we have been seen out on the town with our bathing suit straps hanging out of our oversized, out of date t-shirts that DON'T match our water-logged, worn-out flip flops. I've got a few tips for them...when fishing at the dam, silk is what not to wear. When riding around town with the top of the jeep down, cashmere tunics are what not to wear. When having a bbq down by the river, jimmy choo's are what not to wear.

...I can't wait for summer!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm Getting Married... my best friend. To the person who found the best in me and who forgives the worst. To the most patient and kind and gentle soul I've ever met. To the man who makes me feel safe, even while he's snoring on the couch, completely unwakable. To the man who brushes off the yuck of a bad day with the simple sweet gesture of brushing my hair out of my face. To the the only person I have ever let wrap themselves around my heart without limits or conditions. To the one companion I've ever had who places the same value on the words we choose to speak...and therefore appreciates the value of silence as well. To my dream missing piece...the yee to my haw. I am getting the "absolute without a doubt make me gush cuz I'm so in love" love of my life
...and to think. I thought I'd never love another being more than Dude. ;-)

Thursday, January 11, 2007


It's here. We all knew it would be sooner or later. I have to say, for lots of folks in my life, I'm so glad 2006 is behind us. Lots of hard times for lots of people I love...But now 2007 is here. Out with the old - in with the new. I LOVE this time of the year. Cleaning out closets and drawers, computer files and kitchen's completely symbolic of cleaning out my mind and heart and priorities. Getting rid of all the clutter and getting back to what really matters. Of course I have been accused of being a little OCD (thanks for the shirt, Mom).
In case you're wondering about the's the spot where Joel and I will be getting married on May 5. Yes, Cinco de Mayo. It's a labyrinth at the Red Corral Ranch in Wimberley. It's pretty representative, I think. Life is a maze, you know. And my maze led me to an amazing (pun intended) place with Joel. I get all mushy talking about it...
Just wanted to wish you all the best in 2007. It promises to be full of love and hope and dreams and joy...if you let it...if you keep searching for your way in this maze of a life. God Bless.