Monday, February 11, 2008

Meat-Free February

I don't know why. I really don't. I know I needed to shake up my diet a bit, and I know I had contemplated going gluten-free for the month. I guess I'd rather give up lunch meat than bread and pasta. Funny thing is, I'm not eating much of that either. 

It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Except date night. The place I took Joel for dinner obviously prided itself on their steaks...the only other thing on the menu without beef, pork, chicken or shrimp was portobello lasagna which the waitress proclaimed "pre-made." So I ordered the "New Aw'leans Linguini" and ate around the shrimp and scallops. Joel was super sweet and shared his mashed potatoes with me...he even dipped them in "meat juice" for flavor. 

So in light of being half way through with this month (well, pretty darn close) I'd like to present my top ten list of things I miss eating this month. 

(Please note how all meat dishes are inappropriately capitalized)
10. Spicy Chicken Romano from Johnny Carinos
9. Huisache's Spinach Salad...WITH BACON. 
8. Tacos, Enchiladas, Fajitas...
7. My Dad's Pork Ribs 
6. Tuna Salad
5. Cheeseburgers
4. Anything Rudys...Chopped Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Sausage
3. Moo Shu Pork
2. Thundercloud Subs' Texas Tuna

...And now...I'm off to eat more veggie soup (note the completely appropriate lack of capitalization). 

Happy Monday! 


Does anyone know why the first paragraph of every blog looks different from the rest of the blog? 
(Jenny, any help here would be appreciated!)

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Lost in Bloggerville

As some of you may know, I am a faithful follower of some virtual super heroes. There are at least three blogs that I check every single day. I have actually started relaying the stories of some of these bloggers during "watercooler" conversations at the office, with friends over dinner and in phone conversations to others. I have sent copies of some of their stories via email and HIGHLY recommended their blogs to people who I think would relate. Does that make me a virtual groupie? Maybe. 

One of my fav's has been nominated for the 2008 Bloggie Awards so I had to go check out the competition. Since then I have visited approximately 8,365 different blogs from all over the world. I found cooking blogs, marriage blogs and photography blogs. I found bloggers that I didn't understand, bloggers that I didn't WANT to understand and some that didn't WANT to be understood. I've been in bloggie heaven. I'm learning a whole new language (what exactly is the difference between a link and a "linky?" Is it just someone being "cutesy?").  

I've also been inspired, motivated, moved to tears and educated. It's reminded me how big this world is...and how small it can be at times. I know, I's no substitute for the real world and real people and real interaction. I'm not CONSUMED with it...but it's a nice mental vacation every once in a while. 

I'll be sharing some of the blogs that I think are interesting...and borrowing some of their ideas for blog topics. I hope you enjoy.  

Friday, February 08, 2008

SuperBOWL Sunday

Superbowl Sunday has come and gone. We watched the half-time show (and a great one it was) and the last three minutes of the game. Who was playing again? (I know, I know...New "Engliand" and some other team.) Although we didn't partake in the game day festivities, we did have a Super Sunday here on Mooncrest. Echo came to visit and brought her parents along. And my mom-in-luv came to see us too! Echo is growing so much and is so beautiful. John Michael and Tara are doing awesome. It's so fun to watch them with their sweet baby girl.

We had a great lazy day of visiting and laughing and playing wii (see extreme action shot below). Yes...wii. Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Boxing...and bowling. The fav of all the games, bowling plays this indeterminable music in the background that is a mixed medley of what sounds like about 5 intertwined Southern Rock classics. The only character in the bowling alley with legs is the one bowling for some strange reason. Anyway...Joyce was the big winner!! Maybe we should have a family tournament...after Joel recovers from the aerobic strain of boxing and baseball with Johnny Mike.

I'll take OUR SuperBOWL over THE Superbowl any day!