Friday, February 08, 2008

SuperBOWL Sunday

Superbowl Sunday has come and gone. We watched the half-time show (and a great one it was) and the last three minutes of the game. Who was playing again? (I know, I know...New "Engliand" and some other team.) Although we didn't partake in the game day festivities, we did have a Super Sunday here on Mooncrest. Echo came to visit and brought her parents along. And my mom-in-luv came to see us too! Echo is growing so much and is so beautiful. John Michael and Tara are doing awesome. It's so fun to watch them with their sweet baby girl.

We had a great lazy day of visiting and laughing and playing wii (see extreme action shot below). Yes...wii. Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Boxing...and bowling. The fav of all the games, bowling plays this indeterminable music in the background that is a mixed medley of what sounds like about 5 intertwined Southern Rock classics. The only character in the bowling alley with legs is the one bowling for some strange reason. Anyway...Joyce was the big winner!! Maybe we should have a family tournament...after Joel recovers from the aerobic strain of boxing and baseball with Johnny Mike.

I'll take OUR SuperBOWL over THE Superbowl any day!


Jenny said...

Oh, how fun,fun, fun!!! I so wish we could have been there. Don't you think Echo and Amelia look a bit alike? I love it. I can't wait to see her again! I also looove that second picture of the brothers. It makes me laugh:) So glad you guys had a good time. Love you and miss ya lots and lots and lots, Jen

Anonymous said...

I am one proud uncle!


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a fun day. Boy, did I get teased at work for only watching half time. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Great Day.