Monday, February 26, 2007

Bridal Extravaganza...

According to my calendar, there are 67 days until the big day. Six of those days will be spent in Nashville, three in Las Vegas, one in the dentist office, four on the road and one at the doctor's office. That's 15 days out that I know of...that leaves 52. Wow.

But then I think about all that has happened in the past few days to get things accomplished.

Sunday was awesome. It was a beautiful day here...sun shining, perfect breeze coming in the windows...I started it off with some old Willie and Stones on vinyl, a cup of coffee and the paper. (Most of you know the paper is a little out of character for me...and so is the coffee unless someone else makes it, but I was looking for something in particular in the paper and I bought the coffee when I made the paper run.) Mom came down for lunch and a visit and a trip to the Bridal Extravaganza (actually called the Bridal Spectacular, but we prefer "extravaganza"). We picked up a lot of tips, brochures and business cards...and we giggled a lot. Laura and I and made a trip to Wimberley for a visit to the Red Corral Ranch and to the Schoepf Headquarters and we wrapped up the day with a great dinner at the steakhouse at the junction. I couldn't have asked for anything more - except for Joel to have been here. (Wheweeeee, I'm missing him so much this time around).

Back to the original point...out of the past two days we have confirmed a photographer and a home for the Kings for the wedding weekend, made a decision about the cakes and the cake stands, established somewhat of a timeline for the day and confirmed that the facility has high speed internet (step one for a special surprise for some special loved ones). We have lodging at the lodge figured out and a print shop confirmed for invitations! I know that doesn't sound like a lot...but it sure feels like a lot.

Life is good...I hope yours is, too.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fat Tuesday

I'm extrememly perplexed at the reaction to the climbers that had to be rescued in Oregon. Of course it could be the twist of the media, but all I hear is how stupid they were and how they should have to pay for what the rescue cost taxpayers and how they should be brought up on animal cruelty charges for taking Velvet (the dog that "saved" them) up on the mountain. And that they must be horrible teachers.

?????????? WHAT???????

Here's my take. From what the rescuers had to say, they were very responsible climbers. They made one navigtational error and could not recover due to the weather conditions. They used all of the appropriate measures to protect themselves AND THEIR DOG from the elements. They carried equipment designed to help them be rescued and used it. People make navigational errors on our highways all the time that cause harm to themselves and countless others. People fall off of ladders, fall out of trees, swim too long and get tired...we all make mistakes or have accidents. Those errors result in the mobilization of paramedics, ambulances, police officers and sometimes volunteers to "rescue" them. In effect, we are all paying for each others "navigational errors" with our tax dollars. Give 'em a break.

In regard to Velvet (the dog)...there is no place a companion animal would rather be than with their "companion." Dogs have survived for YEARS in the cold...hello??? Dogsledding? Would the naysayers have rather the dog been tied to a tree while her humans were climbing? Even I can say it (just don't tell Dude)...she's a DOG. And she's fine. And she's far better off with people who let her be a dog than those who keep their animals in small purses or locked in a crate.

And, finally, what does their profession have to do with this experience on the mountain? People are saying that they aren't qualified to be teachers because of their lack of common sense. I believe it was their common sense that saved them. I believe I would rather be taught by, and have my children taught by, people who do rather than say. I believe the same people who are saying the climbers aren't smart enough to teach are the same people who are too lazy to be good teachers themselves, let alone climb a mountain.

And now...I will hop off this soapbox...and go take my dog to the river.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Can You Believe...

...It's been 23 years since I first stepped foot in Jo Baker's Barn, Thanks to you, Shelley?
...I've been friends with Shelley (Swelley, Smelley, Shell, Sisterly) Rogers - Gross for 25 years? TWENTY FIVE YEARS. That's as long as a lot of my friends are old?
...We made it to McDonald's and back on our futurity colts riding along IH-27?
...We never went to jail (although you got close with all your driving malodies)?
...We used to think that Tony Warren was hot?
...We didn't get caught sneaking cigarettes in Jo's trailer on the way to the state 4-H horse show?
...We could sing "Sisterly" for hours upon hours and it never sounded the same?
...I compared us to Thoroughbreds and Shetlands?
...although we didn't get caught on the Waterslide, I had to somehow explain how I lost three layers of skin from my arm from the last time our parents saw us...which was supposedly going to bed?
...Missy McCarley broke her back on a trampoline?
...we snuck out of our dorms at State Round-up EVERY YEAR and we THOUGHT no one knew?
...we used to eat the 2-4-6-8 special at DerWienerschnitzel?
...Squeezie Buns?

Can you believe that nothing has or will ever change about how well we know each other and love each other?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

What not to wear...

In a steadfast attempt to NOT watch the SuperBowl today (yeah, I know, I'll miss out on all the water cooler chat at the office tomorrow) I have had the channel on TLC. It's been a "What Not to Wear" marathon. And I have to say...whatev. I know I'm not so stylish...but look where I live. If I wore what they recommended for "casual day wear" casually during the day around here I would have been tossed out of town a long time ago. This is New Braunfels. We go barefooted into the convenience stores, we wear our dad's cutoff jeans when we go shopping and we have been seen out on the town with our bathing suit straps hanging out of our oversized, out of date t-shirts that DON'T match our water-logged, worn-out flip flops. I've got a few tips for them...when fishing at the dam, silk is what not to wear. When riding around town with the top of the jeep down, cashmere tunics are what not to wear. When having a bbq down by the river, jimmy choo's are what not to wear.

...I can't wait for summer!