Sunday, February 04, 2007

What not to wear...

In a steadfast attempt to NOT watch the SuperBowl today (yeah, I know, I'll miss out on all the water cooler chat at the office tomorrow) I have had the channel on TLC. It's been a "What Not to Wear" marathon. And I have to say...whatev. I know I'm not so stylish...but look where I live. If I wore what they recommended for "casual day wear" casually during the day around here I would have been tossed out of town a long time ago. This is New Braunfels. We go barefooted into the convenience stores, we wear our dad's cutoff jeans when we go shopping and we have been seen out on the town with our bathing suit straps hanging out of our oversized, out of date t-shirts that DON'T match our water-logged, worn-out flip flops. I've got a few tips for them...when fishing at the dam, silk is what not to wear. When riding around town with the top of the jeep down, cashmere tunics are what not to wear. When having a bbq down by the river, jimmy choo's are what not to wear.

...I can't wait for summer!