Thursday, February 08, 2007

Can You Believe...

...It's been 23 years since I first stepped foot in Jo Baker's Barn, Thanks to you, Shelley?
...I've been friends with Shelley (Swelley, Smelley, Shell, Sisterly) Rogers - Gross for 25 years? TWENTY FIVE YEARS. That's as long as a lot of my friends are old?
...We made it to McDonald's and back on our futurity colts riding along IH-27?
...We never went to jail (although you got close with all your driving malodies)?
...We used to think that Tony Warren was hot?
...We didn't get caught sneaking cigarettes in Jo's trailer on the way to the state 4-H horse show?
...We could sing "Sisterly" for hours upon hours and it never sounded the same?
...I compared us to Thoroughbreds and Shetlands?
...although we didn't get caught on the Waterslide, I had to somehow explain how I lost three layers of skin from my arm from the last time our parents saw us...which was supposedly going to bed?
...Missy McCarley broke her back on a trampoline?
...we snuck out of our dorms at State Round-up EVERY YEAR and we THOUGHT no one knew?
...we used to eat the 2-4-6-8 special at DerWienerschnitzel?
...Squeezie Buns?

Can you believe that nothing has or will ever change about how well we know each other and love each other?

1 comment:

Wessays (tm) said...

Robin: I looked at comments on my blog this morning, for the first time in maybe a year. Noticed yours from last August, and wanted to thank you for reading.
The Empress and I also skipped watching the stupor-bowl. Glad we weren't the only ones.
Thanks for noticing the blog.
Wes Richards
New York, NY
State College PA