Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sunny California...

We're off to California tomorrow for the Susan G. Koman 60 mile Breast Cancer walk. I'm ready. I'm ready because we have worked our tails off for it...and because I've been thinking so much about all the people we met when we walked for MS that made an impact on me. It's the perfect time, really, to be doing this...

To remember how good it feels to follow through with something
To remember that there are bigger issues than what each of us face in the daily grind
To remember to be thankful for our health and our families and our strength(s)
To remember to be cautious with our lives and our bodies and each other
To remember how big this world really is
To remember what it feels like to really push ourselves

To remember that each of us have the power to help others whether it's raising money, or donating money or walking beside someone or listening to someone tell their story or giving away your last Luna Bar or JUST BEING THERE.

Thank you, to all of you, for making this trip possible for me - whether financially or emotionally. Thank you to my sweet husband for going with us (even though he gets to sleep in a nice warm hotel room while we're sleeping in tents). Your face at the finish line will be the highlight of day three, I feel certain.

I'm keeping a journal for one of the magazines that has been supporting us along the way. I promise to share with you here as well.

Peace to all.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I have been traveling quite a bit lately for work but iIt had been a really long time since I took a road trip, just me, myself and I when I drove to OKC a few weeks ago. Well, half of it was with me, myself and I - the other half was with my sweet friend Angela. She rode with me to OKC, then I made my way back to New Braunfels solitaire, stopping half way in Fort Worth for a Randy Rogers Band show and a great dinner with my aunt and uncle. The miles and time flew by too fast almost - and I realized how much I missed just driving. I listened to what I wanted, thought about what I wanted, and stopped when I wanted. Please, don't think I don't love traveling with's just that I used to spend many many days and nights driving by myself, either to and from college or hauling horses somewhere. I did a lot of soul searching in those days. And it felt good to do it again...

But once again, I have strayed from the point of this post...

While I was cruising along somewhere between Oklahoma City and Fort Worth, I was listening to one of the comedy channels on XM. The comedian mentioned a carpet rake...A CARPET mind raced back in time (imagine the technique used in movies where it appears as though the camera is traveling at warp speed down a hall filled with all the items representing things in your past and screeching to a stop on one...brown...carpet rake). I hadn't thought of raking carpet in years. It used to be "my chore." We had lime green carpet in one of our houses and LOTS of job was to rake it in between vacuuming. Rake downstairs, rake upstairs, rake the stairs...why didn't we just vacuum? So I texted my mom. "Why did we rake our carpet?" Her reply was that the lovely green shag was so long that we were afraid of what had been lost in it. So I looked up carpet rakes online. I was surprised to learn that they are alive and well on most happy homemaker sites...

I bet you're surprised to learn that we (okay, I) don't own one.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


 Notice the snaps snapped and the tarp tarpped. This is the proper way for a gravel truck to fly down I-35 at 80 miles per hour. 

Notice the visible piles of dirt, pebbles and rocks. This is NOT the proper way for a gravel truck to fly down I-35 at 80 miles per hour. (Please disregard the large quantities of snow - this photo is being used for "improper gravel hauling on I-35" purposes only.)

Monday, October 13, 2008

The best sushi I never thought I'd try...

Friday was Shannon's birthday so all the girls got together for dinner at Sushi Zushi and went to Helotes to see Adam Carroll and Todd Snider. We had a BLAST! Maybe it was because it had been so long since all of us had a chance to be together and focus on each other and catch UP with each other...maybe because it was a beautiful night to be at Floore's Country Store...maybe it was the sushi. Whatever it was, it was sooooo appreciated and needed. 

Keeping with the spirited spirit of the night, I vowed to try something new at Sushi Zushi. I caught a glimpse of our neighbor's plate (which I have to admit appealed to me because it looked like watermelon and avocado mixed together - strange in and of itself) and decided that no matter what it was, I was going to try it. 

Come to find out, it was Tuna Tar Tar. Now, growing up with a cattleman of a dad, I have a super duper adversity to the phrase "tar tar" and all that it entails. Not to mention the fact that when I asked the waiter about it, he described it like this: 

"It's raw tuna, tenderized and diced, served with sliced avocado and topped with the eggs of four different types of flying fish."

The ONLY thing that rang yummy to my ears was "avocado." And I know, some of you are rolling over (or your stomachs are) at the thought of the rest of that dish - as did, quite honestly, mine. But I have tried and loved tuna - seared, rare, in sushi, out of how bad could it be. 

IT WAS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER PUT IN MY MOUTH. I almost asked for a fork because my desire to get it into my mouth far exceeded my chopstick deftness. So I refrained, and instead slowly savored every bit of it. 

The moral of the story is that I have been reminded - by a simple but scrumptious culinary dish - that there are grand rewards in being brave, and that new things may sound scary and "fishy," but end up being...well, delicious. 

My tidbit for you? Be brave today. 

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Tagged by my Sis-In-Luv

I have been tagged. I'm okay with that. She was right. Who doesn't want to talk about themselves.

Here are the tagging rules:

1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4. If you are tagged, DO IT and pass it along

1. The most exciting job (and the time of my life that I was injured more than the rest of my life cumulatively) was galloping race horses. I LOVED it. I still get a phenomenal adrenaline rush just from WATCHING horse in the starting gate, knowing what it feels like for that huge animal to virtually vanish from beneath as they explode out of the gates. I'm pretty conflicted these days about the sport, but my personal experience with it is one of my favorites.

2. I love shoes. Abnormally, I think. I plan outfits around shoes. My favorite pair of shoes has never been worn and they sit at the top of my closet in a clear shoe box (they were a bit of an emotional purchase mom and I made together right before the wedding). Here's the weird part - I love being barefooted as much as I love shoes. That's almost oxymoronic.

3. I never thought I would marry. Ever. I wasn't opposed to it, but I just didn't see myself finding anyone that I would want to share/burden with all my weird idiosyncrasies. But I did. And now I can't imagine my life WITHOUT sharing my idiosyncrasies.

4. I went through a phase in high school where all I ate was either egg sandwiches (fried eggs & ham with cheese on toast) or steamed broccoli. Every meal, including lunch (I had to drive home from school for lunch). It lasted for about 4 months.

5. I wear my feelings on my sleeves. And I wear others feelings on my sleeves for them. I spend a lot of energy worrying about other people and their feelings. In fact, I've been known to worry more about my loved ones feelings than they do.

6. I love rain and everything that comes with it. Thunder, lightening, peace, clean sidewalks, greener grass, the smells, mud...I love it all. And I especially love dancing in it. Mmmmmmm. Better than homemade banana pudding.

There you have it. Unfortunately, all my blogging friends have already been tagged. I hope I don't get points docked off for not listing 6 others.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oh, Idaho...

Let me count the ways I love the Braun Family Reunion.

1.) The scenery

2.) The golf tournament (or being a caddy in costume for the golf tournament)

3.) The friends

4.) The family

5.) The weather (yes, that's hail while the sun is shining)

6.) The music

7.) The people

8.) The people

9.) The people (note Texas Idaho)

10.) The mustached people

Monday, August 18, 2008

Rain, rain...

Mmmmm....I love the season changes. I know, we are still in for quite a bit more summer. But I love teaser days like today - hard rain complete with actual thunder and lightening. Do you know what I love more than days like today? Days like today when my husband is here and I take advantage of working from home. Yup, there's something special about being in your own home on days like this, with your partner sitting just a few feet away from you...hearing the rain pick up outside and gazing out the window to see sheets of water and flashes of light, knowing that Mother Earth is finally getting her long needed rehydration and our family of trees is finally getting the dusty dryness washed from their parched leaves. And being able to take a break from emails and phone calls to sit with my husband. I would work from home every day that he is here if I could. I'm happier and he's happier and WE are happier. 

I can't believe how crazy busy our lives are these days. We are making Christmas plans already. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to get them made, but I can't believe this year has gone so fast. We seem to be living so far in the future sometimes that we forget about today - we don't take advantage of right now. But today I did. I sat right here at my little computer - still connected to the world - but soaking up the goodness of what today brought. 

Hope you all had a little peace in your day today, too. 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Growing Babies...

I can't believe we've gone from this...

To this...

And this...

And this...

I can't wait to see where we go from here.

Congratulations to Joel Hunt! We are very proud of you for what you have accomplished - and even more proud of you for how you are choosing to use your education. You are a good man, and a great father and husband. Big love to you!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mom always said... running at the pool. She was right.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dear Sonic (Part Two)...

Despite my discontent, I bragged about you to my father (who, come to find out, is as finicky as me about ice). I told him you were world famous for your crushed, small beautiful ice. I explained the current status of our relationship - objectively so that he would not pre-maturely judge you. It took quite a bit of convincing for him to break his routine of a morning Diet Dr. Pepper from Taylor's in downtown Canyon - who, by the way, offers crushed, small beautiful ice for half the price of your drinks. He is such a fan of Taylor's that he saves all his styrofoam cups to take back for half-priced refills. I tell you this not to make you envious, but to give you a clear picture of what you're up against. 

After I persuaded him to try you out - you - the first you that I committed to so long ago - you failed us again. This is what we got: 

See the problem we're having here? I will grant you that there was plenty of it - addressing my first complaint - but its big, clunky ugly ice. So not only have you let me down, but the impression you made on Dad was FAR from good. 

I'm not sure where we go from here. I'm just not sure at all...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dear Sonic...

We need to talk. It's not's you. Honestly, I just don't feel the love anymore. Regardless of my loyalty, you have let me down. 

Remember when you first opened in Canyon? When I got my driver's license, you were where me and my pals spent every single lunch hour. And on the weekends, you were our meeting place in town. You were part of "the drag." I began loving you then. 

And when I went to college, you were WAY out of my daily path to and from class once I moved out of the dorm, but I came to you anyway out of sheer love for a diet cherry limeade. You were my present to myself on Sunday afternoons when I had accomplished all my weekend chores. We stayed close even through that difficult "growing" phase. 

I found you...all of Amarillo when I moved back home to work. Even if we didn't have lunch together every day, I still found time for us to share in a Route 44 Dr. Pepper. We became so familiar with each other that my vehicle wore one of your stickers, allowing for discounts on drinks. I knew your every special...what time happy hour was, two for one Tuesdays...I memorized them all while in the shelter of your drive-thru. 

I was so excited to see you when I got to New Braunfels. Both of you. Conveniently, you are just around the corner from where I rest my head each night. But something has changed recently. I know I've changed - from Dr. Peppers to unsweet tea - but I've remained loyal to the Route 44. I used to never have to mention "ice" to you. Now, even when I speak up to let you know what I'm feeling, there is only a smigen of your beloved signature ice in the cup. You know that is what attracted me to you, right? I could handle every once in a while you holding back on me, but it's become a regular issue. One I'm not sure how to fix. 

And I'm not the only one. I've heard more than one person say "what's up with Sonic lately?" I'm hurt by it...but more importantly, I'm worried about you. What is happening inside of you to cause this? 

I'm sure I'll ride this out, like I did with the styrofoam cups...maybe it will be something I learn to live with...but I'll continue to ask for what I need. And just to let you know, I'm sticking around until I get it. No more driving off with unfinished ice. No more iceless drinks within 30 minutes of getting them. I'm going to help you become the Sonic you used to be. The ball is in your court now...


Tired of Un-Iced Tea

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This can't be good news...

Pages and pages and pages of articles about how bad flip flops (flippies, flappies, floppies, thongs, toe sandles, etc.) are for our feet. It's a sad sad sad day in my closet. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


About two years ago I opted for tattoo number two. (Insert pause here to let some of you come to terms with the fact that I am far...) Although I was a grown adult living on my own, paying my own bills with a full time job, a 401K and insurance, my poor Dad CRINGED when I called him to tell him what my 30th birthday present to myself was going to be. His exact words? "WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME THAT?" So we never really talked about it since. Until I went home with tattoo number two. My first one is on my hip so unless I want someone to see it, it's not visible to the general public. But tattoo number two is on my foot. And I'm a barefoot/flip flop kind of girl. So tattoo number two is HIGHLY visible. When Dad saw it for the first time it caught me off guard. We had gone to visit him in Amarillo and I was sitting out on the back porch in my jammies when he got back from the donut shop. He came to sit down with me and from a mile away he said "What is that?" I tried to explain it to him...but I don't think he wanted to know what the word meant so much as what the tattoo meant. And I told him that it was a reminder everyday of what the word represented. 

So here it is...broken down.

de•sid•er•a•tum dɪˌsɪdəˈreɪtÉ™m, -ˈrÉ‘-, -ËŒzɪd-
noun, plural -ta
something wanted or needed.


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Handsome Guy...

Joel and I knew each other for a while before we started dating. He was a regular in our office when he worked for Bleu and we traveled in the same circles. I always loved seeing him - it seemed like we could really talk to each other - not just idle chatter. That may have been because I ALWAYS got lost in his eyes. They have a very captivating quality - where you just...can' look away from them. Honestly, maybe we didn't really talk about much of anything - maybe I was just briefly hypnotized. Maybe I'm STILL hypnotized. Who knows. Okay - now I'm rambling...

The point of all this is that one of the first "intentional communication" I got from Joel was an emailed photo after he cut all his hair off a few years back. I got a before and an after pic. And I remember thinking "WOW." Don't get me wrong, I always think "wow" when I think of my husband...but he looked soooooo different in the after photo. 

I came home today to a freshly "clipped" Joel. I got the same butterflies and flushed cheeks. He is ALWAYS handsome to me...(I usually use the phrase "hot" in mockery of Paris Hilton) but..."WOW" 

Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy Birthday

Sweet, sweet Sammers & 'Melia...We love you so much. You have changed all our lives. You really are little miracles. Happy 1st Birthday    - Love, Uncle Bub and Aunt Birdie. 

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Willy Vedder Canada. You surprised us all - or most of us. We thought you'd be a girl. But your mama knew the whole time. She knew you were all boy. You kicked enough to try and convince the rest of us, but we just passed it off as inherited dancing genes. It doesn't matter now. You are little brother...Willy V...WC...or as D calls you, Wiwy. You'll have lots of nicknames. 

You have lots of love around you - and always will. Welcome. We love you already. 

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Teaser #1 Revealed...

Dear Friends and Family,

This year, I'll be participating in a very special event called the Breast Cancer 3-Day. We'll be walking 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment through Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund.

I say “we” because I am part of a team consisting of more than 15 gals who have committed to do the same thing. We are the Red Dirt Rockettes and we want to make a difference. Many of you have been so generous to donate to other causes I have walked for (Breast Cancer Research through a different foundation and MS Research). I am participating a walk again because we STILL don’t have a cure…therefore I we STILL need your support.

I've agreed to raise at least $2,200 in donations. I know I can raise even more than that, and have set my personal goal at $5000. So I need your help. Keep in mind how far I'm walking - and how hard I'll have to train. 

You can donate online at You can also call 800.996.3DAY to donate over the phone.

According to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, more than 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and nearly 40,000 will die from the disease. That’s why I’m walking so do something bold about breast cancer. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me by supporting me in my fundraising efforts.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

April Showers

It's starting to turn green here. I keep thinking back to last spring and summer and all the rain. We thought we lost one of the old trees here at the house. I never knew that a tree would shut down from too much water. I guess growing up in Amarillo, we never experienced much of that - trees OR too much water. I watched her (I refer to all our trees as "her") everyday, waiting to see if she would recover from the monsoons of 07. Almost overnight she went from bare limbs to limbs full of green healthy leaves. I guess she knew best when to shut down to save herself. 

I think we are a lot like that, but only some of us recognize it. We know what it takes to keep ourselves healthy - both mentally and physically. Sometimes it takes "shutting down" to save ourselves. It's amazing how we blossom after exercising a bit of self-nurturing. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Taaa Daaaaaaa!

The highly anticipated "return from vegetarianism" is here. What you all have been waiting for...but first...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY JOELIE-OLE (maybe that should read ol' JOELie). He heh heh. I love you baby! Can't wait to see your face!

And now...(drum roll please)


Although I eat much less of it now, I really really really really like it. Still. Again. Joel, sweet Joel, was home for my first meal "back." He cooked up a delicioso rib-eye for me and it was as good as my poor, malnourished,vegetarian body remembers (im kidding - about the malnourished part...i think i actually GAINED weight). I have had chicken, one half of a steak, one cheeseburger (uh...THAT one didn't sit so well) and LOTS OF TUNA!! Mmmmm...tuna salad, tuna sam'iches, TEXAS TUNA from my beloved Thundercloud. Oh, how I missed you! 

There have been lots of other goings on as well...much of which would bore you to tears to read about...but a few exciting happenings...I'll give you some teasers with the promise that I will tell you more. Feel free to send me reminders to tell me to tell you more. I love fan mail. 
1. 3-Days, 60 Miles in San Diego, CA
2. Our own ant farm
3. Easter Eggs
4. Music memories
There you go...consider yourself officially teased! 

Monday, February 11, 2008

Meat-Free February

I don't know why. I really don't. I know I needed to shake up my diet a bit, and I know I had contemplated going gluten-free for the month. I guess I'd rather give up lunch meat than bread and pasta. Funny thing is, I'm not eating much of that either. 

It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Except date night. The place I took Joel for dinner obviously prided itself on their steaks...the only other thing on the menu without beef, pork, chicken or shrimp was portobello lasagna which the waitress proclaimed "pre-made." So I ordered the "New Aw'leans Linguini" and ate around the shrimp and scallops. Joel was super sweet and shared his mashed potatoes with me...he even dipped them in "meat juice" for flavor. 

So in light of being half way through with this month (well, pretty darn close) I'd like to present my top ten list of things I miss eating this month. 

(Please note how all meat dishes are inappropriately capitalized)
10. Spicy Chicken Romano from Johnny Carinos
9. Huisache's Spinach Salad...WITH BACON. 
8. Tacos, Enchiladas, Fajitas...
7. My Dad's Pork Ribs 
6. Tuna Salad
5. Cheeseburgers
4. Anything Rudys...Chopped Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Sausage
3. Moo Shu Pork
2. Thundercloud Subs' Texas Tuna

...And now...I'm off to eat more veggie soup (note the completely appropriate lack of capitalization). 

Happy Monday! 


Does anyone know why the first paragraph of every blog looks different from the rest of the blog? 
(Jenny, any help here would be appreciated!)

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Lost in Bloggerville

As some of you may know, I am a faithful follower of some virtual super heroes. There are at least three blogs that I check every single day. I have actually started relaying the stories of some of these bloggers during "watercooler" conversations at the office, with friends over dinner and in phone conversations to others. I have sent copies of some of their stories via email and HIGHLY recommended their blogs to people who I think would relate. Does that make me a virtual groupie? Maybe. 

One of my fav's has been nominated for the 2008 Bloggie Awards so I had to go check out the competition. Since then I have visited approximately 8,365 different blogs from all over the world. I found cooking blogs, marriage blogs and photography blogs. I found bloggers that I didn't understand, bloggers that I didn't WANT to understand and some that didn't WANT to be understood. I've been in bloggie heaven. I'm learning a whole new language (what exactly is the difference between a link and a "linky?" Is it just someone being "cutesy?").  

I've also been inspired, motivated, moved to tears and educated. It's reminded me how big this world is...and how small it can be at times. I know, I's no substitute for the real world and real people and real interaction. I'm not CONSUMED with it...but it's a nice mental vacation every once in a while. 

I'll be sharing some of the blogs that I think are interesting...and borrowing some of their ideas for blog topics. I hope you enjoy.  

Friday, February 08, 2008

SuperBOWL Sunday

Superbowl Sunday has come and gone. We watched the half-time show (and a great one it was) and the last three minutes of the game. Who was playing again? (I know, I know...New "Engliand" and some other team.) Although we didn't partake in the game day festivities, we did have a Super Sunday here on Mooncrest. Echo came to visit and brought her parents along. And my mom-in-luv came to see us too! Echo is growing so much and is so beautiful. John Michael and Tara are doing awesome. It's so fun to watch them with their sweet baby girl.

We had a great lazy day of visiting and laughing and playing wii (see extreme action shot below). Yes...wii. Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Boxing...and bowling. The fav of all the games, bowling plays this indeterminable music in the background that is a mixed medley of what sounds like about 5 intertwined Southern Rock classics. The only character in the bowling alley with legs is the one bowling for some strange reason. Anyway...Joyce was the big winner!! Maybe we should have a family tournament...after Joel recovers from the aerobic strain of boxing and baseball with Johnny Mike.

I'll take OUR SuperBOWL over THE Superbowl any day!

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Addiction...

Hi. My name is Robin Schoepf and I'm a gadget addict. Let me be specific. Electronic gagdets. I'm not sure where it all started. I played around with mini-tape recorders back in high-school.I had a walkman...I had a boombox, but that's as hardcore as it got. I had no idea what path I would find myself on within a short 10 years. 

I remember the first time I tried an "Apple." Mom was in grad school in Austin...she had one in her house. While she was in class...well, I'll be honest, I couldn't keep my hands off it. The flashing curser...and the unbelievable way it would read aloud what I typed...I had found a friend. That was only the beginning...

I consider cell phones the gateway gadget, only because for me it came before the digital audio players. I got my first cell phone when I came home from college one year. I gave in to peer of my buddies started a cell phone business in Amarillo and was selling them. I bought in. Regardless of the phone I had, one better or smaller or faster or prettier always came along. That was probably the beginning of my downward spiral...cell phones. Or maybe it was the cameras. My dad was a photographer for as long as I can remember. He was a 35mm whiz...double exposures, image on image...seems like he always had a camera in his hand. So it was only a matter of time before I picked one up, myself. I started with a 35 mm (film), moved quickly to the digital point and shoot...and now I'm a digital SLR user. See, friends, it happens that quickly. I won't even begin to talk about the video camera days. 

MP3 players were probably the most recent - but deadliest - addition to my list of vices. It would be a long road to get to them, but once I found them...I was unstoppable. I started with a Roxio MP3 player that was the size of breadbox and sounded like a weedeater when it was operating. Like the cell phones, they got smaller and prettier...and I followed right along like any good tech-nerd would. I can't remember exactly when I tried my first iPod...but I can tell you that I've owned, used and sometimes lost every generation of every style of iPod (except the shuffle...I mean, when you've got the 3rd generation video mastered, why bother with the small stuff). 

I find myself "killing time" in the electronics department of Target, I drool over iPod covers and cases...while my friends are in shoe stores at La Cantera, I'm in the Apple store. I'm admitting it. Right here...right now. I love electronic gadgets. 

Next time...KITCHEN gadgets.