Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh, Baby...

To say we've been distracted is an understatement. We have been enamored, overwhelmed, swamped, ecstatic, anxious...for six months now.

At the time I posted last, I had taken three pregnancy tests just days before. I can't believe I was so calm. I also can't believe that was exactly six months to the day ago. Six months sounds like so long...but time has really flown. And now that we are three months away (92 days give or take a few) I am wishing for those 6 months back. I LOVE being pregnant. I love how healthy I feel and how much I get to sleep and eat and having an excuse to go home early. I love listening to the heartbeat and wondering what she's going to be like. I love thinking about Joel being a daddy to this little girl and teaching her how to read and how to listen to people tell stories and how to appreciate music and all things grand. I LOVE hearing him read to her...even if it's about the political environment of Berkeley. It's such a great time right now...the calm before the storm, I know, but it's really peaceful and sweet and I cherish it every day.

I don't know what's in store for the three of us. It's scary to think about all of the unknowns, but it's not in our hands...and I believe we are okay with that. Whatever may come, we can handle. I do know that.


capturing said...

Oh my, you wise lady. I wasted most of my pregnancy hating it! Isn't that so sad?! I often look back on it with feelings of love and then I am like wait a second Melanie you did not love that. I am glad that you are enjoying it so much. It is something to definitely be enjoyed. If I have the chance to be pregnant again I hope I see things like you. I can't wait to see you guys next weekend and talk face to face!

Jenny said...

Oh snif, snif....what sweet words! Like Mel, I am soooo glad you are loving pregnancy. Oh, I can't wait to meet that little girl and to see you and Joel love her with all of your hearts. What a gift. Love you!!!