Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day...

Here are some random observations to consider for Monday, February 21...

1.) Reading what people say on TV is much more telling of how inarticulate people are than listening to what people say on TV. I learned this at World Gym this morning. Poor Rachel Ray.

2.) Paying upwards of $50 per personal training session should entitle the trainee to kick the trainer in the shin every time the trainer yawns. I also learned this at World Gym this morning while watching a session from the treadmill.

3.) I used to think that tourist season traffic was the worst in NB - but have observed today that it might be Federal Holidays. How do all of our government officials NOT know how to drive?

4.) Lucy loves the sunshine. The sunshine loves Lucy.

5.) There are some folks in the world that take "To thine own self be true" just a little too far. It often baffles me the extent to which individuals can turn any situation about any body into something about themselves, good or bad.

6.) Lucy sleeps better when she falls asleep in her Daddy's lap than anywhere else.

7.) I have been reminded by a 5 year old how much I love astrology. And how much I don't know about it.

8.) I still am taken aback by the fact that Joel and I have a little girl. A nine month old little girl. And I can't imagine what life was like without her.

9.) Shopping for things that are supposed to save said little girl's life is hard (i.e. car seat).

10.) I wish I knew more about the Presidents that this day is supposed to be celebrating.


Anonymous said...

Since we are listing things...
1. I like that you are so observant of all that is around you
2. You are not or ever will be self-absorbed.
3. You love my sweet son unconditionally.
4. You two sure gave me one beautiful, sweet, smart little grand daughter!

That's all for now,

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