Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day...

Here are some random observations to consider for Monday, February 21...

1.) Reading what people say on TV is much more telling of how inarticulate people are than listening to what people say on TV. I learned this at World Gym this morning. Poor Rachel Ray.

2.) Paying upwards of $50 per personal training session should entitle the trainee to kick the trainer in the shin every time the trainer yawns. I also learned this at World Gym this morning while watching a session from the treadmill.

3.) I used to think that tourist season traffic was the worst in NB - but have observed today that it might be Federal Holidays. How do all of our government officials NOT know how to drive?

4.) Lucy loves the sunshine. The sunshine loves Lucy.

5.) There are some folks in the world that take "To thine own self be true" just a little too far. It often baffles me the extent to which individuals can turn any situation about any body into something about themselves, good or bad.

6.) Lucy sleeps better when she falls asleep in her Daddy's lap than anywhere else.

7.) I have been reminded by a 5 year old how much I love astrology. And how much I don't know about it.

8.) I still am taken aback by the fact that Joel and I have a little girl. A nine month old little girl. And I can't imagine what life was like without her.

9.) Shopping for things that are supposed to save said little girl's life is hard (i.e. car seat).

10.) I wish I knew more about the Presidents that this day is supposed to be celebrating.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The kids are alright...

I love movies. I love movie popcorn. I love movie popcorn with a big pickle and seasoning salt. I love movie popcorn with a big pickle and seasoning salt and a 2 gallon diet coke to wash it all down. I love movie popcorn with a big pickle and seasoning salt and a 2 gallon diet coke to wash it all down while sitting next to my husband. It's my favorite date. We found a theater in San Antonio that is somewhat like the Alamo Drafthouses (did I mention that one of our first dates was going to see a movie at the old Drafthouse in Austin and I had to ride the "lift" because of my broken foot? Did I also mention this was the first "save the date" date? Did I mention that it was so my sweet (now) husband could take me to an ABBA movie?). But really, I like the impromptu trip to the movies...middle of the afternoon or just an early evening out. Dinner AND a movie always throws a kink in the popcorn schematic.


Movies are few and far between unless they are on Netflix and I usually fall asleep WAY before they even reach the plot development portion of the movie. In fact I rarely make it past character introductions. So Joel watches a lot of political mumbojumbo docs that I usually can't even pronounce. We have had a record year, though at the movie theater. We saw True Grit on New Years Day in Oklahoma City before Joel had to go to work that night and we saw The King's Speech on Valentines Day. Know what those two movies have in common? They are both nominated for Oscars. So are most of the docs that Joel has watched.

WATCH OUT Plumb Oscar Party. The Plumb's like to go against the grain. In true fashion, rather than a pish posh Superbowl party they go for the Superbowl of Oscar parties. I mean they go ALL. OUT. International food stations, movie popcorn (MOVIE POPCORN) and sweet sweet treats. They invite all their friends, we pitch in $10 a ballot and someone goes home about $150 richer by the end of the night. Let me mention that it never has been me OR Joel. But this year...

I found The Social Network and Winter's Bone on demand. Toy Story 3 is available on demand as well (this week's pick). We saw The Kids Are Alright last year at the fancy food theater in SA on date night (I think Mammy babysat for us that night) and we rented Inception from iTunes. So with the exception of 127 Hours, The Fighter and Black Swan we have seen all of the flicks nominated for best picture. I know there are people out there that have seen them all. Most of them will be at the Plumb's Oscar Party. My friend Brooke saw 53 movies IN THEATERS last year. That's a LOT of movies. And a LOT of hours at movie theaters.

We're missing 4 movies and two of them are gone from theaters around here. The two that are the frontrunners. We came so close to seeing them all. I want to WIN this year. With Joel's documentary expertise and vast knowledge of the all the other categories that I have no clue what is actually being awarded, the least I could do is contribute the knowledge of one category. But I guess we will have to resort to what we have done in years past...hobknob with the movie theater manager and the retirees...they always have the best advice just before ballots are due.

I can't really explain this obsession. I look forward to the Plumb's Oscar party every year, all year long. Maybe it's the people there. Same folks there for the past 4 years that I've's the only time I EVER see them and it's only once a year but it's FUN. Maybe it's conversations about something other than music. Maybe it's being in a room full of people - like me - who root for movies when they win the way that other people root for football. Maybe it's the international food stations. But I'm betting it's the movie popcorn.

7 days people. 7 days til the Oscars! I'll let you know how we do.