I'm in awe. Yes, I know I owe a blog about the walk. And believe me - the MS walk was a life changing experience...but this Rolling Stones show...WOW! Sunday was quite possibly one of the best days Joel and I have ever had together. We spent the BEAUTIFUL afternoon plopped down in the lawn of Zilker Park, watching all the people finding their way to the bathrooms, the beerstand and, as in Willard's case, the popcorn stand. Hippies, bikers, cowboys, yuppies, people with mohawks, people with tattoos, young people with their matching LL Bean backpacks and blankets, old people with their head-to-toe stones outfits...42,000 of us all there to see Mick Jagger and Keith Richards shake their money makers. We made our way up to our seats right before they went on and sat still for all of about 15 minutes. Once we got up to visit the portapottie we never sat back down. People were dancing EVERYWHERE. It was absolutely the most energetic show I have ever been to...like a wave of it starting from the stage and passing through every single person there. I couldn't stop grinning. Joel and Willard were most impressed with the production (they ARE techies). All the screens and pyrotechnics...We could feel the heat of the fire when they played Sympathy for the Devil. They played Honky Tonk women and the crowd went nuts. It was an amazing night.
It reminded me of why I love music. 42,000 people in one place at one time...very different stories to tell, different songs we wanted to hear, different religions, politics, hair styles, clothing choices, very different people in general...but one common thread tied us all together.
The Rolling Stones, baby...
Glorious Autumn...
9 years ago