Thursday, July 05, 2012

I need a new attitude...

**Please read with the same humor it was written in. I'm laughing at myself here, folks. 

Whew, Joel got out this morning just in the nick of time. I. AM. GRUMPY. I mean, I have moments in everyday when I have to re-evaluate my head, think about my attitude, check my thoughts at the door. but days like today? Whew...they are downright comically pessimistic. 
  • Our house is full of junk food and it's keeping me from eating right. It's the junk food's fault. 
  • I'm tired. Nobody could possibly be as tired as me. 
  • I don't have time to work out. That's why I'm fat. 
  • I don't even control my schedule anymore. I have NO CONTROL over my life. 
  • My back hurts. It's from stress. Or because there's so much junk food in our house that I can't eat right therefore my fat is making my back hurt. 
  • I have had this toothache for 2 months but I don't have time for a dentist appointment. So I'm going to keep complaining about it. 
  • I'm tired. Did I mention that? Because I know you say you are, but you can't be as tired as me. 
  • I don't have time for me. 
  • I don't have time for Lucy. 
  • I don't have time for Joel. 
  • I miss my friends. 
  • Traffic sucks.
...and BOOM goes my mojo. With all of that going wrong, how could a person even rise to greet the day?! I mean, a person mights as well throw in the towel, stay in bed and start week.  

I need a plan. I need an attitude adjustment. 

So, baby steps. 

Tonight...I'm throwing out the junk food. Fridge, pantry,'s all going. If you want it, come and get it but I'm tired of looking at it - not eating it because it's bad for me - but not replacing with good stuff. 

Then I'm going to bed. Early.