Despite my discontent, I bragged about you to my father (who, come to find out, is as finicky as me about ice). I told him you were world famous for your crushed, small beautiful ice. I explained the current status of our relationship - objectively so that he would not pre-maturely judge you. It took quite a bit of convincing for him to break his routine of a morning Diet Dr. Pepper from Taylor's in downtown Canyon - who, by the way, offers crushed, small beautiful ice for half the price of your drinks. He is such a fan of Taylor's that he saves all his styrofoam cups to take back for half-priced refills. I tell you this not to make you envious, but to give you a clear picture of what you're up against.
After I persuaded him to try you out - you - the first you that I committed to so long ago - you failed us again. This is what we got:

See the problem we're having here? I will grant you that there was plenty of it - addressing my first complaint - but its big, clunky ugly ice. So not only have you let me down, but the impression you made on Dad was FAR from good.
I'm not sure where we go from here. I'm just not sure at all...